
Email: adilrazanaqvi93@gmail.com Please Visit: www.urdututorialsonline.com OR Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/page/urdututorialsonline.com and https://www.facebook.com/adilraza.naqvi.98 OR Follow on Twitter : @adilrazanaqvi93 OR Follow on Pinterest: https://www. Pinterest.com/adilrazanaqvi98 PLease Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClCeZdFGLx3eeTp61WGBnZQ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts and Trivia: What are the most interesting facts you know? Physical Sciences 1. A day on the planet Venus is longer than a year on Venus- Intueresting fact 2. On Saturn's moon Titan, the gravity is low enough and the atmosphere thick enough, that by attaching small wings to your arms, you could fly like a bird- interesting Fact 3. Since its discovery to its declassification as a planet, Pluto never made a full orbit around the Sun- Interesting 4. There are more molecules in one glass of water than there are glasses of water in all the earth's oceans combined. 5. The real trajectories of spacecraft are complicated ellipses- Unique Fact 6. What are some of the most mind blowing facts that sound like Bull but are actually true?- Fact Facts and Trivia: What are the most interesting Biololy facts you know? Biology 1. You have more bacterial cells living in and on your body than you have human cells- bacterial cells vs human cells 2. The fingerprints of koala bears are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans- Fact about fingerprints of koala bears 3. New Zealand rose from the ocean, and it's animal life is interesting because of that- Newzealand Rose 4. Tardigrades, also called 'water bears' can survive freezing, boiling and irradiation- Fact about water bears 5. The time difference between when Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus lived is greater than the time difference between Tyrannosaurus and now-the time difference between Tyrannosaurus and now. Facts and Trivia: What are the most interesting Geography facts you know? Geography 1. Russia is bigger than Pluto- Interesting Fact 2. From Space, you can still see the division between East and West Germany due to different light bulbs- division between east and west Germany Facts and Trivia: What are the most interesting Business and Political facts you know? Business and Politics 1. The president of Uruguay donates around 90 percent of his $12,000 (£7,500) monthly salary to charities- Poor President 2. 10 corporations control almost everything you buy - 10 corporations control 3. The tiny island-nation of Tuvalu receives $4M a year from .tv domain name sales- tiny island-nation of Tuva Facts and Trivia: What are the most interesting Cultural facts you know? Cultural Facts 21. Burj Khalifa is so tall that, from it, you can actually watch the same sun set or rise twice in a day- Burj Khalifa 22. Each of the main characters in Spongebob Squarepants was inspired by one of the seven deadly sins- Spongebob Squarepants 23. One in ten Icelanders will become a published author in their lifetime- Icelanders 24. The guy on the "Anonymous Answer" silhouette in Quora is actually Charlie Cheever- silhouette www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEeV0Y4v2Ts https://www.quora.com/Facts-and-Trivia/What-are-the-most-interesting-facts-you-know-3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR Follow on YouTube Visit more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JwieaPVEQk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw4J9T6GQl8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0IQ3t3Gpio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbTVNCu7Bf4 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClCeZdFGLx3eeTp61WGBnZQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH1eXgZ-x5Y https://youtu.be/tLJ0SO9jvDE https://youtu.be/aVYPpRaZbs0 https://youtu.be/HshPX32lEuw https://youtu.be/EGyws-QYvx