
Dubai, Dec 31 - A huge fire at The Address Hotel in Dubai a few hours before the fireworks show to celebrate the new year in the country. Fireworks event is scheduled to take place close to the largest building in the world, Burj Khalifa. . Please ignore tag below burj khalifah burning, burj khalifah burning, burj khalifah burning, burj khalifah burning, burj khalifah burning, burj khalifah burning, burj khalifah burning, burj khalifah burning, burj khalifah burn up, burj khalifah burn up, burj khalifah burn up, burj khalifah burn up, burj khalifah burn up, burj khalifah burn up, burj khalifah burn up, burj khalifah fired, burj khalifah fired, burj khalifah fired, burj khalifah fired, burj khalifah fired, burj khalifah fired, burrning tower burned hotel firework new year largest building dubai the address hotel, the address hotel, the address hotel, the address hotel, the address hotel, the address hotel, the address hotel, the address hotel, the address hotel, the address hotel, the address hotel, the address hotel