
Church of the devil, (In Pakistan) - More Than 3000 Worshipers of Lucifer Join We Are Watchers Army On Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/We-Are-Watchers-1032961846792524/?ref=bookmarks On 12 January 2016, A man builds a temple for LUCIFER located in a rural area of Montenegro, quindio, Colombia . These are the photos of your architecture and structure.Watch as you see all the Satanic symbols we see every where in the media watch as I prove how the secret societies believe in the same thing as the Freemasons! If you still doubt the connection of these symbols to Satanism after seeing this, then you are really blind. BEWARE OF THESE EVILS... #‎salutetosatan #‎lucifer #‎baphomet #‎eyeofhorus #‎pyramideye #‎upsidedowncross #‎newworldorder #‎illuminati #‎falselight #‎angeloflight #‎pentagram Join We Are Watchers Army On Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/We-Are-Watch... LUCFER, SATAN, TEMPLE, END TIMES, ILLUMINATI, NEW WORLD ORDER