
For more information about this property please contact: Inside Panama Real Estate Panama: Tel: (507) 6756-5850 US: (760) 518-4059 e-mail: mike@ipreinfo.com More properties at http://www.insidepanamarealestate.com Produced by ►Video Clasificados Panama: Tel: (+507) 6255-1016, (+507) 396-4464 e-mail: ventas@videoclasificados.co http://www.youtube.com/videoclasificadospty Condo for Sale in Bahia Tower - Playa Serena, Gorgona - Panama Real Estate Se Vende apartamento en Torres Bahia - Playa Serena, Gorgona - Bienes Raices Panama Panama is the perfect place to buy a new apartment, house or property. If you're looking for a quiet and beautiful place to live, Panama is the best. Also if you're looking for a place to retire, Panama is considered the best retirement destination in the world. Here some advantages of living or retiring in Panama: 1. The Dollar as the Currency 2. The cost of living is much lower than in Europe or the U.S 3. First Class Health Services and Medical care 4. Shopping Paradise: Panama has the best shopping in Latin America 5. High Speed Internet and Services 6. The Best Retiree Benefit Program in the World 7. Banking Conveniences and a Strong Financial Services Sector 8. A Foreign Investor and Retiree-Friendly Government ♫ Music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com