
Practice reading this story using a maximum of intonation and inflection to heighten interest - as if reading to a group of 4-year-olds. After the Princess had fallen into her hundred year sleep, the good fairy, who had protected her life, came to the kingdom in her magnificant chariot drawn by dragons. She touched the King, Queen and all the people and animals with her wand. They too fell into a deep sleep. Then a thick wood of trees, bushes and brambles sprang up around the palace which hid it from view. A hundred years passed by. Then one day a Prince and his companions from a neighbouring kingdom were hunting near the palace. Above the thick woods he spotted the topmost battlements of the tower. An old man told him “a beautiful Princess lies in that castle. The tale says that she shall be awakened by a King’s son and become his bride.” The young Prince went through the palace until he came to the royal chamber. There he saw the Princess lying on her bed. So beautiful was she that the Prince fell down on his knees beside the bed to gaze at her. Then he leaned over and kissed the sleeping Princess. His kiss broke the spell and the princess awoke. Then the King & Queen and all the people in the land woke up. They all wept with joy. The King & Queen prepared for a great wedding feast and celebration. For three days and nights the festivities continued and everyone made merry and rejoiced. Then the Prince and Princess rode off into the Prince’s land and lived happily ever after.