
We are proud to invite you to the world premiere of "Lighting-Wallpapers". Together with our partner, company DESIGN CONNEXION, LLC we prepared the most extensive presentation of "Lighting Wallpapers" full of mysterious cold electroluminiscent light. The collection will be presented during "Big 5" fair in DUBAI held from 21.11. to 24.11. 2016, stand No.: 7E317. We believe that our presentation will be an amazing experience and you will be surprised by completely different dimension of interior lighting. Opening of the technology center by company ELON Technologies, announced during spring this year has allowed us to establish a "Start-Up" project "Lighting Wallpaper" focused on the use of electroluminescence solutions in interior design. Together with XTEND DESIGN studio from London, we have created the first collections of wallpapers, and began work on its market launch. In the meantime we spent a lot of time solving the issues of optimization to achieve superior product quality and in September, we delivered the first sample collection to Sydney. After the fair in Dubai are going to open a showroom in Tel Aviv and also we will continue to search for ambitious business partners for other markets. To be more informed check: www.lighting-wallpaper.com