
After completing Master Mew's training, Musashi's first mission on the job is to rescue Princess Mycella of the Mystics from a location called Nebelium Tower. He can get there through a wide and insanely long tunnel. There are some robots, called Galvabots, that are waiting for you once you go inside this tunnel. Use Duplication on them to learn Three-Sixty. It's a pretty useful move for clearing away enemies up close, and its a good alternative to using the 5th & last hit of your 5-Hit Combo. -------------- There's a motorcycle conveniently inside this tunnel, too, and Musashi knows just how to use it. Take it for a spin to start a minigame on the way to the tower called "Bike Slasher Musashi" In this minigame, you have to time your sword slashes to hit as many enemies as you can while you're biking your way to Nebulium Tower to an awesome surfer theme. Most enemies go down in one hit, but a boss you can face near the end of this minigame can take more than one hit. Start him off with charging a heavy slash, then run him down with normal slashes from there. Holding Square makes Musashi slash before he charges his Heavy Slash. I found out later that you can save some time by holding L1 to defend, then hold Square, then let go of L1 and Musashi will automatically charge his sword from there. The amount of prize money you get at the end is based on how many enemies you were able to defeat. -------------- At the end of the tunnel, you can find some more treasure, as well as another blue capsule and a Checkpoint. You'll respawn at that Checkpoint everytime you get a Game Over within the area you found that Checkpoint in, besides boss fights, that is. All of that, and no need to risk losing money over using something like a Memory Box, instead! The capsule contains Shiranzo, the premier Appraiser of Antheum. Stop by his Pawn Shop there to get certain weird items appraised, such as that "Piece of Torn Parchment" you should've recently picked up. Outside the tunnel, Musashi sees Nebulium Tower. Unfortunately, the entire path to get to it is lined up with a bunch of Galvabots... "Not good...", indeed. You're gonna have to make a march to that tower while wrecking everything literally in your path. At least you get some good experience out of it. The next video will focus on what happens in the tower, like getting to know two important characters better.