
Full episode from 1980. There is a running theme of the BBC wasting money throughout. Includes the airline safety sketch. SERIES 2, SHOW 1 31 March 1980 25’03 [TITLE: ‘THE OUTRAGEOUSLY EXPENSIVE NOT THE NINE O’CLOCK NEWS SHOW’] Continuity announcer apology (The BBC spending all its money on a horse race) SF: Grand National (Horses named after BBC programmes) Titles Pinball (Block of flats/Tower of Pisa) Helicopter clapperboard SF: Callaghan (Collapsing building) Alisdair Milne (BBC licence fee/Dividing up the cake) N: Saudi chancellor N: Constable’s son Wimpy bar (Embarrassing names for hamburgers) Non-Diet Pepsi Youths wreck car (Put card of rental firm on windscreen) Pamela explains how much the previous joke cost Dolphin running for president Edward Kennedy: ‘The lesson I leaned from Chappaquiddick...’ Parkinson interviews himself Mugger/Donor card Maternity ward (Stranger wanting to be present at birth/Vending machine) The perfect evening (Boxing on the television/Beethoven/Roaring fire/Chinese in the oven) Aircrafts carrying lifeboats Airline Safety demonstration Parachute stunt (Rowan explains how much it cost) SF: Horsey snobs Rowan and Mel give away £500/Princess Anne & Mark Phillips sketch (Fingers) N: Pronunciation Blatant Pornograhy (The Nancy Boys)/Credits Come home to a real fire...buy a cottage in Wales