
Jump with us - http://www.dreamwalker80.com Amazing Dream Walker episode 3 Best jumps filmed by the best team. For the first time in the history, BASE and ROPE jumps from one platform . Now you can jump with us, and BASE jumpers. Yes, you are getting up from your desk, and jumping with the best Dream and Base jumpers from Skydive Dubai & Red Bull Air Force All you need to do is to go to dreamwalker80.com, and choose the location where would you lke to jump. Your incredible ROPE & BASE JUMP in any imaginable place in the World, e.g. Zakhyntos or Princess Tower Dubai. Check out out last epizode - Dream Jump SkyDive Dubai & Red Bull Air Force https://youtu.be/7_u79IbUHtI DREAM WALKER AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 JUMPS DREAM JUMP , Join to us, jump with us! http://www.dreamjump.pl http://www.dreamwalker80.com http://www.facebook.com/dreamjump http://www.facebook.com/dreamwalker80